A stately white limo waits outside
Cristo Rey--ready to whisk the newlyweds off to their reception in Rio

But first, the bride and groom pose in the churchyard........

And start to greet a long line of well-wishers........

The joy is
obvious in the beaming face of the bride.....

Aunt Consuelo and Jake's cousins wait their turn to congratulate the couple......

As does Mrs.

The exuberant bride shows off one of the most beautiful wedding dresses I have ever seen. Unfortunately,
the beautiful beading and shimmering crystals don't glisten in my photo......

Jake is also beaming! This is the time when you are overwhelmed by the genuine outpouring of love and good wishes from those who are near and dear to you......

And get lots of hugs...........

A well-matched pair......

Another well-matched pair.......

A little grandmotherly attention.....

Both the bride and groom have a great sense of humor--as was displayed throughout the rest of the day......................

You'd be this happy too if you had such a darling groom..............

Obviously, they are BOTH overjoyed to be together....

Grandparents and cousins............

Poster couple...................

And after a brief rest, we're off to Rio
Rancho for the reception!
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