Thursday, August 06, 2009

The merry vagabonds have landed in Thailand for a summer holiday.................
This is a country with a rich and ancient culture..................
Much of which is beyond my experience in describing the material in many of Bianca's photos........
So, many will be without captions............
Here is some Asian flora............
And my beautiful baby on her hotel balcony.............
Sometimes, the very best thing about a vacation trip is the company............

Binky and Michael really enjoyed the surfing on the beach as well as the beauty of the sea............

Binky goes native in her sarong.............
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see the hidden idol in the yellow cloth........
Here is another idol within ancient roots...............

Binks enjoys some local transportation................
What a thrill for Bianca--you know that DUMBO was always her favorite movie.............
Some Thai theatre................

Michael checks out a colorful bridge..................
This is a couple that loves waterfalls.....................

A sun umbrella--the weather was very, very hot and humid......................

You've heard of the proverbial "bull in a China Shop"?--Well, how about an "elephant in the market place"?..................

Sacred cattle?......................
Feeding Dumbo.......................

They rented bikes and surf boards and took trips to the north and the south of the country............

Art on the street corner.....................

Can you say: THE QUEEN OF SIAM?

No matter the continent, it is always a thrill for your boyfriend to win you a prize at a carnival.................

A Thai Boxing match......................
And performance.................
A Thai taxi......................
Thailand is a beautiful country and Michael and Bianca had a dream vacation there that will be long remembered.

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