We hop on the subway and hop off again at a glorious destination--the new Yankee Stadium!.........

Which is like Mecca for loyal Yankee fans..............................

Here Diana is escorted by her "baby boy", Derek

Babe has his own outdoor plaza at the new stadium................

In the background is the old "House That Ruth Built"--the stadium is scheduled for demolition starting later this month, the giant bat out front will remain as part of a new neighborhood park.........

Purists say that the New stadium looks more like the original stadium than the old one due to an unfortunate remodel about thirty years ago....................

Yankee's staffer prepares us for our tour.........................

This is the Hall of Heroes from the outside.....................

And this is the inside featuring all the Yankee greats who have had their numbers retired by the club...........

During game times, this hall is lined with food vendors..................

Our first stop on the tour is the Yankee Museum. This
Plexiglas wall has signatures of many Yankees players and on the reverse side, signed balls by many many team members from all years of the franchise....................

Our tour guide was full of information and

In front of the wall is a bronze statue of Don Larsen throwing his final pitch at his perfect game in the world series....................

And at the far end is a statue of Yogi
Berra catching the final pitch.................................

Munson's Locker was brought over from the old stadium where it has been preserved just as he had it since the day he was killed in a plane crash...................

Now we settle in to see the exhibits..............

This is Babe Ruth's Jersey--when I attempted to take a photo of the
other side that has his name on it...........DISASTER! I ran out of battery on my camera,
dissolved into a sobbing heap, and felt like the most highly awaited event of our vacation was ruined........................

By letting the camera rest, we did manage a couple more shots, but since we didn't expect ANY of them to work, we have funny looks on our faces. Here Dwight
sits where Joe
Girardi sits in the Yankee dugout..................

And here's Diana right next to the phone in case she needs to call up Mariano Rivera..................

This is what the Yankees see from their dugout.............................

Fortunately, you have not yet seen the last of "The House That
Jeter Built".........................
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