Tuesday, December 08, 2009

We're enjoying a pleasant morning in Bryant Park.......................
After a long stroll......................

We recognised the famous and elaborate lamp posts of Bryant Park.............

It is a lovely oasis on the site of the former City Reservoir..............
A view of the Radiator Building and other buildings surrounding the park...............

Inside the park, the perennial border is in bloom..........
What do you know? That's a yucca plant.............
Dwight enjoys the serenity of this area..............
And the well planned border that is timed for constant bloom................
Lovely lilies..................
Bryant Park Restaurant--someday we'd like to eat here................
On the perimeters of the park the busy life of New York continues at its hectic pace..............
Farewell peaceful bench..................
Our real interest today was to investigate the Radiator Building........
Some of the gilded trim on the Radiator Building.....................
Now that the Radiator Building is a hotel, we thought public access might be a possibility for us...............
So, we ventured inside....................
The inside has been decorated in a modern motif, but we were not allowed to take any more photos..............
A remnant of the old motif in the outer lobby.........................

The old front door..................
Some exterior detail...........................
The doorman next door felt sorry for us since we got the bum rush out of the Radiator Building, and allowed us inside his building that is probably from about the same era...............
The refuge of the park....................
On the move.....................
Another spot for another trip.................
The Radiator Building is joined by the Empire State Building in the distinctive skyline of this area.......................
Hail to thee, Empire State!!.....................
Dwight checks the subway map to figure out the best train to take to meet the girls in Brooklyn for the rest of the day's activities..............

1 comment:

Sight Seer said...

New York is such a great place to go sightseeing! Especially the empire State Building. Read more at http://www.sightseeingreview.com/empirestatebuildingtower.php

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