Thursday, December 17, 2009

We're enjoying the summer garden before leaving for an afternoon barbecue in Albuquerque.....
This time of year it is always a joy to spend time outside with the flowers.........

Even goddesses are besides themselves with joy!................
The plants that struggle inside in the winter love to be outside in the temperate weather...............
There is a serenity and stillness that feeds the soul...................
Please enter the "Fern Room"--the perfect place to read that summer novel..................
Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Invisible Eyeball" strolls up near the arbor............................
It's enough to make these old people frisky!..................
But Farewell to the flowers........................
And the Roman deities...................
And the roses and birdbaths...............
We're off to Albuquerque to see Crista and her family at a party for Dwight at Tricia and James' house...............

Makenna is enjoying her cousin from California who is just the right age to become her new BFF.........
And Chase is always a joy!...................................
Eric is doing fabulously in his new position in Las Vegas...........................

And Dwight's newest grandchild, Landon has grown up a lot since we saw him last.......................
He has the same light curly hair that Dwight had at his age.........................

An angel in Daddy's arms.....................
"I love you Grandpa!".......................
Makenna is ready for fourth grade.........................
Landon has had a touch few days. Yesterday he fell and scraped his nose and today he burned his fingers on the grill....................

Chase is loving having so many friends in Las Vegas...........................
Just chillin'.........................
A very fine manner of girlhood bonding--sharing the lip gloss.........................
Shelly is enjoying her cousins......................
And Landon won't let his injuries keep him down................
When God passed out personalities, guess who was first in line?.........................
Serious--like father, like son....................
James was the perfect host--and the perfect griller..........................

Tricia--the perfect hostess--checks to see that all is running smoothly...............
She definitely gets his approval of the whole party.......................
" Thanks for bringing my grand kids to New Mexico to see me!"....................
And a great time was had by all!!

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