Friday, December 04, 2009

We're excited to be walking down to the Plaza for our favorite event of the summer--Spanish Market!.............
Where beautiful Spanish colonial arts still practiced by modern day craftsmen and craftswomen are presented in the Traditional Market, and more modern arts are displayed in the Contemporary Market...........
I would love to have this chest at Cielo Azul.............
A great deal of carving went into this tree depicting biblical stories...........

A truly beautiful bulto--most definitely deserving of its several awards........
A lovely bulto of the Blessed Mother that looks surprising like Saint Sarah of the Bullring.................
The procession is coming out of the Cathedral after the Traditional Spanish Market Mass.........
The craftspersons walk proudly with their best example of their work...........
Here Julie proudly displays her colcha embroidery.....................
This young lady displayed her talents in the Youth Division...............
As did this slightly older young lady..................

Mary Rita is a frequent winner in the weaving division......................
A beautiful homage to Our Lady of Guadalupe...............
Arlene is one of the finest craftsmen in the entire market. She is responsible for an entire altar screen in the Cathedral..................
Judy carries her intricate stray applique crucifix. She has won first place in her division as well........
Another Rio Grande style weaving................
A retablo of St. Joseph.............

We join family and friends for Sunday morning breakfast under the rosy glow of the umbrellas of the food court......................
Big Al likes the fare..............
As do Danny and Lou...............
"Now THIS is something worth recording..................."
Another very worthy award winner in the furniture division.............
A bulto of Our Lady of Mount Carmel........................
St. Michael carved in antler..............
I always love the tin work.......................
Linda displays her embroidery.........................
And her new main squeeze.....................

Dwight enjoys a rest on a plaza bench..................
I enjoy the almost constant plaza entertainment...........................
Mariachi music fills the air.....................
I want this! I want it!!.....................
We are always proud of Martha--she has won both her division and the overall sweepstakes award................

Martha is proud of her wonderful daughter..........................

She displays the intricacies of this year's centerpiece work...............
Martha has found a true vocation in this delicate art form............
As has sister Judy who has also established herself as a straw applique master......................
Dwight and Waymon inspect a mammoth work..................
"Do you think this will fit in the P.T. Cruiser?"
In the Contemporary Market, a fan displays a beautiful painting by our favorite artist--Clarence Medina........................
This was my favorite retablo--it was purchased by a lucky friend.................

Waymon gets his Market Poster signed by the artist Gabriel Vigil..................

As does Dwight--Gabriel is a former classmate and a friend of Frannie's....................
Dwight takes a break in front of City Hall........................
A perfect place for more skirt flouncing.......................
A Northern New Mexico painting by Roger Montoya.................
He specializes in some special texturizing...............................
A colorful retablo.....................
Another Montoya original.................................
St. John the Baptist gets baptised by his cousin, Jesus.......................
Dwight catches up with the latest with Anne..................................
Arlene--who as usual is sold out--enjoys a playful moment.......................
A rather brilliant retable..................
A rosey view of a Northern New Mexico village........................

I put in a bid on a print of this skateboard art by Rob Rael in the silent auction, but my bid was very quickly topped............................
A rather somber retablo of Our Lady of Sorrows..............................
And a GREAT time was had by all!!!

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