Once again, that day of love is in the air...................And Dwight wants to share..........

A night of romance with.........................

His beloved wife and.....................................

Have a Sweetheart Dinner for all the members of our Dinner Circle of friends a few days before "Hearts' Day"............

Folks like the charming Dwight G.................................

My contribution to the Dinner is to set a festive table, set the "ambiance" (Yes, that IS the winter Village, still set up to add a festive glow to the evening. It is FINALLY all taken down now) and supply the meat course........Pork

The lovely Louise provided a fantastic appetizer platter and lots of wine.................

Our individual Valentines served as place cards.................

Annabelle brought fantastic stuffed mushroom caps, chocolate covered strawberries and handmade chocolate candies......................................

Of course, hubby, Adolfo may have helped with the cooking--or at least with the "tasting"..............

The guests check out their seating assignments. Like all good hostesses, I separated husbands and wives (to insure that conversation continues to flow)............................

Theresa delighted us all with her Millionaire Pie and ice cream for dessert.................................

And Randy was responsible for the totally apropos sliced French Bread................

As you can see--no couples are together..................
Waymundo brought an incredible salad with every delightful ingredient imaginable in it........................

And Eileen supplied two types of tasty applesauce to serve with the Pork....................

Typically, a good view of the salad and a bad view of our camera-shy friend, Theresa...........

Leave it to
Josina to provide the hit of the evening!--an absolutely scrumptious Corn Souffle!

Everyone digs in to the wonderful meal provided by our little Dinner Society..................

Maestro Dwight G!! Did I mention that we drank seven and one half bottles of wine, eight mini-wine bottles and some beer?............Yes, it was FESTIVE!!

Bob got sick at the last minute and couldn't make the dinner, so we toasted him and then considered defacing his valentine with moustaches and black eyes (it was the alcohol talking)...............It was probably also the
alcohol that had a hand in the hostess setting her elegant cloth napkin on fire................

And, as you can see, A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!........................

But a few days later, the actual day of Valentine's arrived and that called for a more intimate celebration of sweethearts.................

Dinner for two at Table For Two--our favorite Santa Fe restaurant..................

Again, we had a meal to "die for" in a romantic setting......................

So, we are hoping that you had your own celebration on Valentine's Day--and even though Winston seems to be turning his back on romance, LOVE IS HERE TO STAY!!!
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