Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Saturday of Indian Market weekend dawns bright and clear........
 Though we are not going to the Market today--too crowded on the first day--I am dressed in the spirit of the weekend event.....

 The lady-like Solange awaits the activities of the day.......

 Sisi, also dressed in the spirit of the day, strikes a pose in Aldea where we attend the neighborhood garage sales......

 In fact, we BOTH strike a pose for the camera....

 Later, we pick up Gwen at the train and take her around town to see the changes since she was a Santa Fe resident--one place she wanted to visit was the mall......

 Where we are amazed to see this enormous billboard of a Gap model who looks very like our own nephew--Dude..............

 In the evening, it's a party with the Core Kids...........

 Next day, I'm up early again, this time ready to attend Indian Market 2013.....

Zsa Zsa--also an early riser--is also ready for her day......

 A continental breakfast on the patio.....

 A little repast to start the day.....

 Alright, already, let's go......
 And soon we are downtown among the many artistic wonders of the market....

 As always, the town is bursting with market goers......

A plethora of colorful woven belts.....

 One of my favorites, Pueblo pottery.......
 An award winning sculpture.....

 Intricate and beautiful textiles.....

a piercing stare from a metallic bird....

 A spirited dancer emerges from the plaster.....

 The back of a cape modeled in the Native Fashion Show....

 Two models from the show.....

 A poster advertising the Fashion Show......

 A happy drummer storyteller.....

 Gwen admires a beautiful sculpture.....

 Another plethora--this time, beaded moccasin booties.....too bad we don't have any babies to buy them for.......

 Details of a gorgeous pot....

 Art imitating cinema--a tribal costume--not Johnny Dep.....

 A very large and very slender statue of an Indian maid.....

 More Indian pottery.....

 Tribal painting.....

Dwight rests in the coolness of the Plaza grass...........

 Another beautiful ceremonial dress....
 Can't get enough of the Pueblo pottery...

 A lovely Zia wedding vase....

 A couple of Indian maids on a plaster wall hanging....

 If I were a wealthy collector and could purchase anything I desired from the Market, this would be my choice!

 A pair of sisters.......
 This very interesting young woman will be representing her tribe at big doings next month in Washington D.C.  where she will educate folks about her Ledger art......

 A feline spirit creature.....

 More of my favorites.....

A rather exceptional, and truly contemporary piece.....

 Outstanding micaceous pottery from Taos....

 A sculptural contemporary pot......

 And another from Zia.....
 The flowers on the plaza are breathtaking this year......

 And there is so much to see.......

 A moving painting......

 A glass sculpture......

 A mother and child made from an unknown (to me) material.....

 After a busy morning at the Indian Market, it's time for lunch--which will include a bit of a wait......

 Because the newly opened Santa Fe Bite is overwhelmed with customers anxious for hamburgers and other fare,,,,,,

 Our luncheon companions get posterized.......

 Back home, I enjoy our only purchase--a tiny seed pot from Jemez Pueblo.  I love the contemporary design--reminds me of the modern art painting by my student that we purchased at Spanish Market......

So after a weekend full of sights and sounds so fabulous and friendships so fine, it is time to relax and settle in until the Market returns next year.....AND A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!!!