We're off on a sunny summer afternoon for a very special event....

A special celebration for a very special lady!

Complete with mariachis....

And dancing with her husband of over fifty years.....

Sarah was completely surprised by this party--
orchestrated by her children!

There were candles to blow...

And baby sister Veronica was on hand......

As well as Veronica's husband, George, and her son, Christopher.....

Even Sarah's grouchy boss was on hand.....

And daughter Della--one of the masterminds of the beautifully arranged affair.....

Veronica was beaming as
she held her brand new granddaughter.....

And there were lots of comely young women....

And very energetic women....

Sarah's friends hang on her every word.....

Crystal--Sarah's best friend from the Capitol--was on hand....

As were all the remaining Grace brothers and sisters.....

I was happy to be included in such a fun party!

Della was beaming....

George was disappointed with the lack luster singing of "
Las Mananitas", so he took matters into his own hands and led another sing-along....

With gusto!!!

And on they danced....

These are Sarah's grandchildren....

This is Veronica's daughter, Jessica.....

The grandmother of the lovely baby--this is a repeat, but it is a nice picture.....

Sarah's daughter, Linda...

The Fifteen Carat Club--a group of women who have been meeting for many years for fun and adventure....

And an occasional seance.....

This was one of
Dwightie's first ventures out in public since his surgery....
grandkids again...

Oh how they danced--like the night they were wed....

Sarah being Sarah....

And thanking everyone for her surprise!

The entire Bullring Restaurant was
empty and the party
was on the patio....

Congratulations Sarah!! We wish you eighty more!!

A truly blessed life........