It's the Fourth of July!--time to celebrate our country's birthday!

Dwightie's birthday too!!--this is number 59!

So, we're up early to go down to the Plaza for the annual community Pancake Breakfast.....

And car show....

There's a lot of cool cars to admire....

Many with a patriotic flair!

This is Dwight's idea of a great muscle car.....

This is Diana's idea of a muscle car!

A real beauty....

Two faces in the crowd...

Nostalgia for yesteryear....

A black car...

A blue car.....

A Blue Boy.....

Hello to Bobbie...

Danny in his element....

Some excellent product placement....

Some even more excellent product placement....

This car has been owned by one family since the early 1900s.....

They shared a lot of
memorabilia and lots of pictures of European excursions in days gone by....

The display of the engine is very important....

A bit of advice from the peanut gallery....

The peanut gallery up close.......

Old soldiers never fade away........

The smug woman has just given him a picture she took of him last year and of which she had promised to make him a copy. She is thinking: "I really AM a good person--who wouldn't love Jerry, er, Diana?".

Hank helps hoist Bobbie's flag....

You have a great 50s car and you add a drive-in tray....

And you get a carhop--where's my tip?
OOps, repeat--but it is a pretty car...

Chris and Bess--soon to be off on their California adventure....


If you have a nice car, adding a pretty girl will get it more attention....

Adding TWO pretty girls in period attire will attract even MORE attention...

Proof that it works: two ridiculous old geezers agape at the merchandise....

All shined up for the party....

This is a new look for you, isn't it?

Jim & Michelle--local favorites...

Danny's in a whirl....

Take a pretty orange car.....

Add a blue interior....

And you get the ultimate

One very patriotic person.....

Two very patriotic persons.....

Three patriotic persons....

A patriotic roadster....

A patriotic oldster!!
Waymon checks in with "the old ball and chain".....



Very impressive.....

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!--our own Yankee Doodle Dandy!!
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