Monday, July 21, 2008

It's great to be back home after the ordeal of the last few weeks......
But first a few appointments at our local hospital for blood work....
Above is a frieze from the old St. Vincent's (Marian Hall), and this is the cornerstone from the "newer" version. What happened to the apostrophe and the "s"? This is beginning to bug me......
Back home we were greeted by the last incriminating evidence of the infamous "Lovelace Pickle Incident"................
But Dwight was buoyed by a loving reception from Tallulah......
And even the usually aloof Topaz.....
Diana was greeted by a vision of loveliness in her garden.....
The best birthday present ever!!!--The children, Sisi & Goo, Danny and Mother all pooled resources and really surprised me with this almost full-sized statue of the goddess Diana and her hound. This is something I will never ever forget!--Thanks worlds to all of you!!!!
And so our medical odyssey ends--with Dwight home again with his beloved pets! Thanks to everyone who prayed for him and sent warm wishes. You are all truly appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The official investigation of the "pickle incident" is still pending.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  IT'S DECEMBER 2024! Last month of the year, but what a SPLENDID month it is! Click on image to enlarge calendar dates...