"Hello, this is me, Winston, now wide awake and ready for fun........"

"I'm on the prowl to see what mischief I can get into......"

"How about attacking a sleeping

"Big cats have no sense of humor--she banished me to my own bed!"....

"I don't like being punished....."

"Somebody is sleeping under this blanket, I think I'll bother them--I already have
Solange cowering....."

"Mei Toy is also a grumpy adult animal and she is not in the mood for fun....."

"This is
Mommie's Christmas Cactus that Art and Donna gave her. She is always going on and on about how it is really a Thanksgiving Cactus because it blooms for Thanksgiving every year. I think I'll attack it later....."

"This is
Mommie posing with her plant and showing off her jewelry that her daughters made for her about twenty years ago out of buttons.
Mommie is
waaaaaay to proud of this stuff. I can hardly wait to meet her girls so that I can attack them......--Art and Donna too....."

"Time for another quick "cat nap"--get it?"

"Now, I think I'll play with my toys until I pass out......"

"Then I'll settle in for one more nap. It's been a long day and it's not 10:00 a.m. yet! Catch you later!"
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