It looks like just your ordinary traffic cop driving by our house.....

But Dwight wouldn't be out front with his coffee just for that...........

No, it's a Veteran's Day Parade!!

Passing right in front of our house!

The parade honored war veterans as well as all those who put their life in peril for the
safety of the general public. These are the firemen..........

Who knew?

The firetruck--all gussied up!

Not all of the veterans were men. I bet these ladies had a lot of fun while in service!

Some of the older WWII vets could not march, but were honored just the same.........

As were the Blue Star Mothers.....

I don't know what this contraption is, but I feel safer just looking at it!

Police in formation.....

And the good old Santa Fe High Band is the final component, playing patriotic songs in an inspirational finale! This little example of some of the participants in the parade does not really depict that really a lot of folks were marching in the parade (200-300). Again, America thanks her Veterans for their service!!
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