Monday, December 01, 2008

There is even an art gallery in the Convention Center.....
These were some of the first art pieces preparing for installation....

One of the long halls leading to the meeting rooms and out to the courtyard...

The other side of the mammoth ballroom--can you say Santa Fe High Junior/Senior Prom?

A plaque commemorating Larry's participation in seeing the Convention Center to fruition...

A beautiful tin light fixture. One couple made all the hundreds of light fixtures in the Center...

These huge tin boxes in the ballroom are an example of a situation where they had to combine traditional Northern New Mexico tinwork with the geometric pattern of the massive wood ceiling.....

More light fixtures in the lobby....For the opening this is where the Spanish, Mexican and Flamenco dancers performed.
The long hall leading into the ballroom.....

Some artwork.....

A few of the festive fall plantings are left from the opening....

They are still lovely....
But not at their peak any more......

More planters.....
Still giving us such joy!
One of the many fireplaces in the Convention Center.....

A tapestry depicting the early days of Spanish Settlement in Santa Fe......

This one depicts the merging of three cultures in the 1800s.....

And this one depicts modern day activities in Sweeney Gym. That's Dwight playing basketball for the Demons and me dancing--even though it was a Can-Can not a ballet performance.

It was a lovely and momentous walk, and a good time was had by all!!

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