Friday, May 11, 2012


 On a lovely day in late April, the Santa Fe Iris Society has scheduled it's meeting at the Water's Garden in Cuyamunge.......

 I'm thrilled to visit another member's early median iris garden.....

 a lovely stone maid guards the tender blooms........

 And Tom, our host, welcomes us to his early garden...........

All of the members, like Ceil, are happy for the social occasion and to enjoy the first early blooms.....

 A lovely clump..............

 A lovely lady--Miss Barbara..........

 Checking out the garden and the pond......

 A pristine bi-tone........

 A real Iris Expert, Pat has won the silver medal for horticulture, Queen of Show, and lots of other awards at the annual Show--which will be on May 26th this year..........

 Buttercup yellow..................
Our club has MANY experts..........

 And all our members are devotees of the loveliest of flowers--the Iris!

 Oh, oh--she's drinking the Kool-aid--and eating the wonderful spread--which Sisi , herself, prepared and brought.....

 They are ALL drinking the Kool-aid--actually, I think it was sweet tea..........

 Cuddling on a bench...........

 Tom has his pots ready for this season's hybrid crop...........

 So, goodbye to this garden oasis............

 With some folks having to travel back all the way back to Pena Blanca.....

So enjoy our lovely spring while it lasts--these blossoms are like quicksilver--gone before you know it.  AND A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL.............

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