Friday, May 18, 2012


 Today I am going to be attending a get-together of the Voces de Santa Fe group.....

 We all have met on Facebook on the "YOU KNOW YOU'RE OLD SCHOOL SANTA FE WHEN...... site and eventually we evolved into our own site and group because we are all have a true love for....

 Our hometown of Santa Fe!  So, before I get into the get-together, here are some photos of our hometown on a beautiful sunny morning in late spring.  First off--the Plaza!.....

 The Federal Courthouse in the sunshine.....

 Bird's eye view from atop Fort Marcy Hill........

Cathedral Park................
 Wildflowers bursting into bloom along the hillside after our recent rains.....

 Temporarily, the river has water in it..........

 The Masonic Temple from the hill--looking very like the Alhambra on which it was patterned.......

 Yes, these are the hills of home...........

 At the meeting, Connie, one of Santa Fe's "Living Treasurers", is a welcomed guest......

Kathy came down from Colorado just for the luncheon and meeting...........

 Femme Pensive--Miss Edie.........

 Mike, a former State Historian and author of books about New Mexico explains to members how to access lots of NM historical sites--especially those on genealogy..........

 "Yikes!  Don't tell me that!"............

 Waiting for "the surprise".......

The surprise!! Mike as the driving force behind the new website and the member with the most hours of time devoted to both Voces and the new site, is given the honors of opening our gift.--T-SHIRTS FOR EVERYBODY! Stephen has very graciously printed T-shirts for the group featuring a lovely photo of a New Mexico moon. For a video of the surprise, check out the timeline on my Facebook page--I don't know how to get it on my blog......

 My T-Shirt--I guess we're officially a GANG now..............Actually, I am going to "Kikify" it with pinking shears to modify the collar and sleeves.........

 Our benefactor--the always generous Mr. Stephen--all the way from Oklahoma..........

 So thank you, Maria for offering us your lovely home and all your efforts to create this very original association of new "cyber" friends from a scattered group of dyed in the wool Santa Fesanos...........
And for teaching this old blogger that it is never too late to make NEW friends!  AND A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!

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