Even if that includes the occasional spring snow storm........
Then, you can just find a comfortable (?) spot and cuddle up until.......
The weather clears and the first early shoots of the season start making their appearance......
Or you can just camouflage yourself among the nic-nacs so nobody asks you to do anything......
Or if you're ambitious, like my friend Ester, you might reach a cherished goal........
Because, like that old song says, April showers DO bring May flowers.......
And May brings fun times--like a Cinco de Mayo party to attend..............
And soon, there is more dense foliage where you can hide like a panther and supervise..........
Daddy as he does some planting............
In this case some tiny little re-blooming lilacs along the driveway.......
That will someday join these elderly lilac bushes that line our driveway in spring.......
And create a treat in sight and scent that is the stuff memories are made of................
Or if you are this little fellow, you might just choose Springtime to be born! Welcome to the newest baby camel at the Rio Grande Zoo! Tooooooo cute!...............
If you're a member of Bienvenidos, you might be reporting for your first tour of duty in the Tourist Information booth............
And since this is a new dress--acquired after the CAPSHAW FIESTA DRESS EXTRAVAGANZA of last fall, I will be adding it the Fiesta Dress Archives: This is a two-piece hand made cotton dress with a scoop neck, complete circle skirt, and purple and lavender and silver ric-rac.. ****
And as the springtime progresses, you might just want to appreciate the new lush growth......
And just ENJOY yourself--in the SPRING, SPRING, SPRING!!!
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