Friday, January 30, 2009

Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for January 2009.
Click on image to enlarge calendar dates for January 2009.

Christmas is over and it's time to relax and enjoy being home--like eggs, bacon and chile at Mommie's......................
A feline motel....

A lunch date with Grandpa D........

Winston has really taken to Frannie.........
"This is heeeeeeavenly!..................
What are all these people gathered for?...............
To celebrate Dude's Birthday!..........
His buddies are here....................
Dude is enjoying all his gifts--it's always a joy to give to such an appreciative recipient.......
Danny is recording the events. No doubt, he will be uploading some spectacular photos soon on his blog........(link to Danny's blog is on the upper right-hand side of this blog)
Birthday Cutie pie...........
Danny is proud--he knows he is the best photographer............
See what a physical job and a little spinach can do!! Our hero!!!.................
We all wish you a very special birthday........................
You've grown up to be a very wonderful young man.....................
Back home, we are greeted by a pair of suspicious eyes...............
"How come I'm not invited to any parties?".........
Frannie is bundled up for a mountain hike with her friends...........
Kiki is taking the Roadrunner to Albuquerque to party with some of her friends.......
Prior to a family movie, Sisi studies the menu at Josh's Restaurant.......
Frannie is willing to try barbecue...............
Femme pensive........
Look at what I have to put up with..............
Happy end-of-Christmas and get ready for the New Year.......

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

When Zookeeper Kelley has other Zookeepers over for lunch, you might expect they might bring along some interesting guests.........Check out that face peering out of the pouch hung over the chair............
It's a little Joey! This baby Kangaroo is being raised in the clinic and still prefers to be in his "pouch"...............

Much like Winston, he is a bottle-fed baby.............

After he eats, he takes a little hop-about around the house..........
Y'all come back, now!!!!
As usual, the Capshaws are waaaay too obsessive about their turkey...........
But, the table is set for a festive Christmas Dinner.......

Francesca has captured Winston who will be eating at the "children's table" in the front room....
Mommie is having a difficult time lighting the candles.......
But a feast awaits--including the world's most "loaded" salad brought by Sisi.....

And Giancarlo's contribution--a yummy Christmas Log..........
Success at last! For some inexplicable reason, Diana is wearing one of Kik's vintage hats........

The candles are lit--LET'S EAT!!......
After dinner, Chris treats us to a dramatic reading of her favorite poem, "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley................
"I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul........."
After dessert, the guests retire to the living room for a round of game-playing--for some reason Louie is hiding behind that shiny decoration..........
Oh, there he is--planning his strategy while his little wife looks at him in adoration: "Oh, Louie!, you're soooo brilliant--you're tied for first place!" (tied with Grandma)
And a good time was had by all...............................

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Christmas morning, and time to open PRESENTS!!!........
Checka is trying to multi-task--opening presents and holding Winston--Giano is skeptical.....

Who is that masked monster??.......................

Oh, it's just Grandma wearing one of Giano's gifts--a folkart mask.............
Dwight, who is very appreciative by nature--enjoys a new book................
Keeks is very excited to check out this gift...........
No, it's not a head of garlic!--it's bulbs for her garden..........Great Gift!...........
Now that Diana's not teaching anymore, she doesn't have the plethora of gifts that she used to get..............
Binks considers a tiny gift--remember "the best things come in small packages"..............
Well, sometimes the best things come in BIG packages..............
Sporting one of her gift vintage hats, Keeks checks out this year's fleecy pajamas...........
Francesca--triumphant with a yo-yo..........
Binks models a scarf with an embroidered smile over where her mouth would be. Giano got one with a mustache..........
Kiki loves her vintage Japanese picture.................
OOOH LUXURY! Diana loves her bath candle and lotions..............
Chiara waits her turn and watches everyone else open their gifts................
"Bah Humbug!"
Another goody for Giano..............
Francesca reads PERSEPOLIS to Winston.................
My JFK bust from the champion gift giver in the family--Dude!........................
Keekers models another vintage hat....................
B. D.? Who would that be?.....................
That's one slinky blue dress, Kiki..............................
Binks models her snow hat and snow suit for snowboarding................
The box alone is exciting......
Francesca is recuperating from being bed-ridden last week.......................
Bianca displays her collection of all fifty state quarters--Dwight has been saving them for all the kids and grand kids for ten years now, so that is a very special gift!....................
"Wow! That present-opening is exhausting!"................
Even the cats got tired....................
Well, I guess it's now time to take out the trash and get ready for Christmas Dinner..........