It's Christmas morning, and time to open PRESENTS!!!........
Checka is trying to multi-task--opening presents and holding Winston--G
iano is skeptical.....

Who is that masked monster??.......................

Oh, it's just Grandma wearing one of
Giano's gifts--a
folkart mask.............

Dwight, who is very appreciative by nature--enjoys a new book................
Keeks is very excited to check out this gift...........

No, it's not a head of garlic!--it's bulbs for her garden..........Great Gift!...........

Now that Diana's not teaching anymore, she doesn't have the plethora of gifts that she used to get..............
Binks considers a tiny gift--remember "the best things come in small packages"..............

Well, sometimes the best things come in BIG packages..............

Sporting one of her gift vintage hats,
Keeks checks out this year's fleecy pajamas...........

Francesca--triumphant with a yo-yo..........
Binks models a
scarf with an embroidered smile over where her mouth would be.
Giano got one with a mustache..........
Kiki loves her vintage Japanese picture.................
OOOH LUXURY! Diana loves her bath candle and lotions..............
Chiara waits her turn and watches everyone else open their gifts................

"Bah Humbug!"

Another goody for

Francesca reads PERSEPOLIS to Winston.................

My JFK bust from the champion gift giver in the family--Dude!........................
Keekers models another vintage hat....................

B. D.? Who would that be?.....................

That's one slinky blue dress,
Binks models her snow hat and snow suit for snowboarding................

The box alone is exciting......

Francesca is recuperating from being bed-ridden last week.......................

Bianca displays her collection of all fifty state quarters--Dwight has been saving them for all the kids and
grand kids for ten years now, so that is a very special gift!....................

"Wow! That present-opening is exhausting!"................

Even the cats got tired....................

Well, I guess it's now time to take out the trash and get ready for Christmas Dinner..........
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