There is going to be a major change in store for you today, Winston, but don't get your little "w" in a knot--you're going to like it!.............

"What is this?--I'm a bottle-fed baby!"..........

Give it a try, it's kitten food soaked in your formula...........


Mommie was treated to a performance by the
Matachines at the plaza of our new Convention Center............

The Winter Spanish Market was going on inside, while the
matachines, the devil, the grandpa and First Communion Girl followed the traditional script.....

This group was from
Bernalillo--we are especially fond of the troupe from El

Back home, Winston is cuddling with Mei Toy--his canine sisters have accepted and loved him from the start........

Winston is now warily approaching one of his feline sisters--the cats have,
predictably, been more aloof.....

Well, so far, so good.............

Can anything be greater than sleeping in the sun in the bosom of your family that loves you? You're a lucky boy, Winston!!
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