With a great deal of pride and affection, I present scenes from my Village...............

This is the heart of Garland--the original start of the Village. This scene shows the train and rail depot, Plaza
Navidad and City Hall. The top row of buildings are the original plaster row houses hand painted by my family when the children were still quite young.....

This is Holly Ridge--the newest area of the village and a bridge from greater Garland to the suburbs of Mistletoe...........

This is the town clock tower that tolls the hours and the movie theatre with Bianca on the lobby posters as Natalie Wood in MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET.................

This is New York Botanical with
Chiara--who worked there--outside checking out the

This is Mid-town New York with the
Rocketts at Radio City Music Hall and Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park.............

This is a lively gambling boat on frigid Lake Noel.......

Capshaw teaching school at the Public School.......

East Garland featuring the firehouse..........

The Soda Shop in Central Garland with a couple en route to the
SFHS Snowball...........

A new addition this year--the White House has been restored to it's true form after being darkly painted as the Home of the Criminally Insane for eight years. That tiny form in the center is indeed President-Elect Obama.............

Gatsby and his love Daisy reveling in the luxury of his estate...........

Western Europe--a combination of England, France, Italy and other countries.........

Shady Pines--Garland's cemetery.................

Mennonite village of Noel Flats...........

Greater Mistletoe--the most affluent section of Garland's suburbs are on the upper level....

St. Patrick's and Central Park, New York, New York.........

Piazza Natale and the statue of Mozart in mid-Europe.................

Garland's Catholic School..................

Greenwich Village and Grand Central Station...........
Hi jinx in Central Park........................

And finally, Dwight and Diana cuddling on the
Ponte de Arte under the Eiffel tower. After all, all the world is a village!
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