As usual, the
Capshaws are
waaaay too obsessive about their turkey...........

But, the table is set for a festive Christmas Dinner.......

Francesca has captured Winston who will be eating at the "children's table" in the front room....
Mommie is having a difficult time lighting the candles.......

But a feast awaits--including the world's most "loaded" salad brought by

Giancarlo's contribution--a yummy Christmas Log..........

Success at last! For some inexplicable reason, Diana is wearing one of
Kik's vintage hats........

The candles are lit--LET'S EAT!!......

After dinner, Chris treats us to a dramatic reading of her favorite poem, "
Invictus" by William Ernest Henley................

"I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul........."

After dessert, the guests retire to the
living room for a round of game-playing--for some reason Louie is hiding behind that shiny decoration..........

Oh, there he is--planning his
strategy while his little wife looks at him in adoration: "Oh, Louie!, you're
soooo brilliant--you're tied for first place!" (tied with Grandma)

And a good time was had by all...............................
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