On a sunny day in June--the wedding of Sara and Josue..............
We are thrilled to attend this event--especially since Sara is one of my top former students...........
A beautiful bride!--who is also brainy. While she was planning this wedding, she was also planning to start Medical School............
A very proud and happy groom.............
The lovely setting of Guadalupe Church. The couple were allowed to hang that beautiful teal colored drape--the Bride's colors are teal and silver...................
Triumphant sounds of the processional by the members of Sara's own All-Female Mariachi Group..................
Down the aisle they come...............
After all, June is the month of weddings..............
Another precious student--Sara's cousin, Danielle.................
Another great former student--Sara's other cousin, Donna--accompanied by her (Donna"s) little niece, Darlene's daughter.............
The Maid of Honor, Sara's beloved sister, Chrystiana..............
A sweet ring bearer...............
And a VERY serious flower girl..................
Here comes the bride!--accompanied by her Mother and her Grandfather. Sara's father passed away about ten years ago and was well remembered today............
Sara is met at the altar by her future husband................
Her favorite Aunt Ana gave one of the readings during Mass.....................
The Mother0of-the-Bride and the Mother-of-the-Groom presented the offering during the Offertory..................
Her "Future Husband" becomes her "Forever Husband"...............
Sara's shiny eyes beam with happiness as she recites her vows................

Yes, THEY do!.....................
Symbolically united by a rosary...................
Signing their license......................

Sara's Mom and her Grandparents beam on the recessional................
Yeah! a Receiving Line!..............................
Where you can "receive" the best wishes of your guests....................
And catch your breath before the next phase of the celebration.............

Yes, THEY do!.....................

Sara's Mom and her Grandparents beam on the recessional................

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