Friday, November 04, 2011

If you're visiting from New York, like Kiki, you can dazzle Santa Fe with your stylish winter attire--Can you say "Mooooovie Staaaar"?
 If you're Solange, you can cuddle up on a warm rug with your natural fur coat...........

 If you're Topaz, you can fight for your spot in front of the newly lit furnace.........

 And once you have established your rights, settle down for a bath and a nap............

 If you are a "fancy dog" like Mei Toy, you get your seasonal grooming..........

If you're practical like Tallulah, you find a quiet place, away from the others, and just snuggle into the covers...........
If you're a "pretty boy" like Winston, you just do what you do best--pose in incredibly adorable ways for cute pictures.................
Like Waaaay cute!  Can you say "Hollywooood!"?.......So whatever your style, stay warm and get ready, the cold is here for a while............

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