Thursday, December 05, 2013

 Well, it's snowing again in Santa Fe, so here is a collection of snow pictures from our recent heavy snow and a few photos from years gone by--some reworked with new techniques......

 The plaza is always beautiful in snow....

 In fact this whole town looks good in snow......

 Our neighbor's house after an autumn snowfall......

And of course, the snowy driveway always beckons to.......

 Our hearty collection of "snow dogs"......

 Just as it did in years gone by--here with our forever beloved Midori........

 As you see, Solange has enlarged in the passing years, but she still loves the snow.....

 "Hey, so do I!  I'm a snowdog too!"  says our beautiful Mei Toy (who by the way, has always kept her lovely figure)

And when the snow falls, there's no place like home....

 Another shot of a neighbors house a few days after a snowfall....

 A view from Cathedral Park....

 And the old Post Office across the street.....

 I hope they are busy inside the Five and Dime making Frito Pies for tomorrow....

 This couple agrees that this town does look good in snow.......

And these guys seem to be enjoying it too--even though it means more work for them.....

 Even when the snow comes down hard and fast.....
The next day, the mail must go through....

 Our Cathedral looking like a postcard....

 The stillness of winter on the foothills.....

 The view this morning through the snow to the newly decorated Christmas tree.....

 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! This could be our card......

Icicles on the Scottish Rite Temple....
 Sunrise over Santa Fe........

 So, when the weather gets snowy and blowy......

 There's nothing better than cuddling up before a warm fire.....

 With your furry little buddies.....

 And watching the fire.....

 And snuggling into a warm--albeit "crowded" soft bed......

And just let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....................

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