Saturday, February 07, 2015

Well, if there is anything a crazy devil and a vampire vixen want to do on Halloween.....HEY, THEY JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!

 And so like most creatures of the night, they are delighted when they are invited to a haunted party with the Core Kids.....

 As always, Chez Montoya is fabulously decorated.....

 And the food is outrageous--like these Helter/Skelter brownies....
 And these spider donuts....

 We are greeted by our lovely hostess--that cursed doll--ANNABELLE!

 Our host--that cholo, Adolfo--is just hanging with his homie, Josina....

 Want to look into the crystal ball?

 Never has vomit been so appetizing....
 Lind and Tim are in the spirit....
 And some of the guests are really famished.....

 Fortunately the Spider Lady just needs a few spiders to munch on.....

 Yes, Terrie is right--Orange really IS the new black....

 And Waymon is the very personification of "Fifty Shades of Grey".......

 There's a lot of witches hanging out.....

 And the host's friend has been reading that paper for a very, very long time.....

 "Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you...."

 "Cupcakes, Cupcake?"..............
 Munching on the goodies.....

 Hell hath no furry like that of those whose invitation must have gotten lost in the mail....

 "Hey, my gang is tougher than your gang....."

 "That's what you think, Fea..............."

 Welcome to the party room....

Enter at your own risk!.....
 Annabelle is dealing with a nasty bat problem....
 And the red vomit is even more delicious than the green......

 Another sweet young thing has fallen victim to the charms of the vampire....

 And now Linda has really gone totally to the Devil.....
 She even frightens the little spiders who want to eescape on the witches' brooms....

 Chola Josina is making waves....
 And sending out hexes......

 Here's to you "Bad Josina" you've made my evening......
 But in due time, it is the hour to say adieu to the fabulous party house...
And our gracious hosts who even have gorgeous bulto witches guarding the fun.....

So farewell to another Halloween--can't wait till next year when we can HEEBIE YOUR JEEBIES once more........Boooooooo!

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