Wednesday, January 10, 2018

  THE CHAVEZ COLLECTION--of fine fiesta dresses, squaw dresses and Mexican attire  PART 7

A listing of the newest additions to the Chavez Collection for 2017.  Because of the availability of
models, photos were taken at Fiesta time, but unfortunately, not posted until now.  As usual, since I do not have the articles currently on hand, there are no descriptions as in The Capshaw Collection, but just a visual catalog of Sylvia's latest purchases--many acquired on a summer sabbatical to Oaxaca, Mexico....

Sorry for the late posting, but if you are interested in some of the details on the Oxaca clothing and jewelry, contact Sylvia Chavez.  To see the rest of the Chavez Collection, follow the hot blue link below to Posting One and then follow the links at the bottom of each years edition:

To view The Capshaw Collection:

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