Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a sunny day in May--time for the Bienvenidos' May luncheon.......................

But first, Pat conducts the May Board meeting.............................

Where most of the board members pay respectful attention to the status of the club...............

But something seems quite amiss to one board member.............

And Pat is quite excited about it......................

But what it was that caused such consternation is lost in the fog of the photographer's mind--or was just caused by some inopportune camera angles..............

But, Pat gets right on track and concludes the board meeting and proceeds to the luncheon and general membership meeting..............

Where Alice was in attendance..................

As was Miss Donna........................

The General Meeting begins with a prayer.................

Ladies and gents who dine.......................

One of our very informative speakers.....................

Our other very informative speaker.........................

An appreciative club thanks our caterers..................


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