Monday, May 09, 2011

Who's that beautiful lady? And WHAT is she doing with all those eggs?

Well, if it's April, and you're in Santa Fe, it's probably the lovely Miss Barbara and it's probably the night of the Baile de Cascarones.................

The Capshaws are all aflutter and anxious to go..................

And dance the night away...........................(In Baby Bink's dress)

Beth and her handsome husband John.......Beth is a member of La Sociedad Floclorica that has been sponsoring this Springtime Santa Fe tradition for over seventy years......................

Art and Donna are in attendance--viewed over the table centerpieces of colored eggs....................

All Santa Fe girls look beautiful in Fiesta Dresses...................

Barbara is selling the "cascarones"--colored egg shells filled with confetti. These are the common by-the-dozen variety. There were some very elaborate eggs that were sold individually and even auctioned off..........................

Now, at this baile, if a man wants to dance with a lady--or vice-versa, these days--he cracks one of the cascarones over her head first--so the dance begins with a festive confetti shower....................

Pat and Tom lead the Gran Marcha.................

Which, as you may know, can be a very long, very complicated affair..................

Here is Julia "coming through the rye".....................

There were local TV celebrities dancing La Marcha..............

And lots of regular Santa Fesanos too....................

Including Dwight and me....................

And lots of kids too--looks like a wedding dance..................

Art and Donna trip the light fantastic........................

And I have a lot more ammo for a lot more dances.................

Those wonderful Lucero sisters graced our table......................

Even though there was no alcohol, we look pretty juiced as we try taking our own photo--the result was not worth printing.....................

Beth participates in the Padrino/Madrina dance where you seek out the person with the tie in the fabric to match your apron and meet a new "padrino" or "madrina" that you would otherwise not have gotten a chance to know...............

One of Beth's twins hits the jackpot with his darling new "Madrina"............................

Dwight is delighting in all the goings-on.....................

And enjoying the exercise on the dance floor too...................

This is the dance where you get to dance with a rather stiff stuffed "lady"...................

The Enciniases show them how it's done..............

The Varsiviana? Varsoviana? #%&@#--PUT YOUR LITTLE FOOT.........................

Tom is waiting for his wife Pat who is putting in her "Duty" as a Floclorica member. She is actually a past president..........................

Apparently, some people enjoy soaking in all this Santa Fe fun and culture more than others.................

As the evening comes to a close, this poor man must say goodbye to little "Stiffy"--who he so adores....................


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