Trekking through the garden...........

Iris of the
Aril Variety...............

And tall bearded too............

A lovely garden vista........................

Some real Iris

A pretty "belled" flower--one of hundred of types of plants in the vast garden.............

Dr. Frasier's favorite Iris--a varietal........................
beautiful shade plants......................

This is like
Disneyland to Iris lovers................

This unusual conifer has needles in two shades of green, blue and red tips.......................

A gorgeous tree..............................

There's a lot interest in one particular iris.....................

More Aril Bred Iris........................

The mother- of-all driftwood.................

dense lush growth..................

Taking a rest on a bench in the Shade Garden.....................

That looks like a deep forest path......................
Sisi's enjoying the cool respite as well.......................

A little
Eco-system within an immense garden...................

Lots more Iris to admire..............

More beautiful tall
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