Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Santa Fe Iris Society is gathering for a special May treat.................

A tour of the extensive gardens of Dr. Frasier in Nambe. One sight that we missed this year is the gorgeous display the wisteria vines on this beautiful portal arcade must present in years when there is no late freezing...............

On his front portal, Dr. Frasier explains some of the horticultural techniques needed to create his magical front yard...................

It is obvious that he enjoys every minute spent in the garden.......................

A currently dry stream meanders through the mini hills and valleys of his front display............

He has created most of the mini firs himself from witches balls and a prolonged process...............

A spirited Dr. Frasier explains how this bench was created from a beam that was "jumped over" by a bride and groom................

Sisi is loving the mini-lecture..............

As is the entire Iris Gang..............................

All properly attired for a trek in the sun through the acres of gardens............

And now we're off to explore the vast acreage of flora creations..............................

The conifers create the "bones" of the garden.............

And the flowering plants present the accents..........................

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