Monday, October 03, 2016


 Once again, it's time in Santa Fe for our Renaissance Fair with a Spanish Flair......
 For day one, when I am on duty as a volunteer, I layer one Renaissance dress over another to give a more solemn look befitting the Spanish Court of the time period.....
 I am met at the gate by a tribe of fairies that will be inhabiting the Fairy Village....
 As I prepare my station in the Baca House.....
 Out in the market place a leather clad fighting man is spying a multitude of fine weapons.....
 Before being admonished by Mama on remaining thrifty.....

 My weapon of choice--or is it the simple scepter of the modest (not to mention, IMAGINERY) Spanish Court of La Cienega.....
 Outside my Baca House window, I see some of the young men practicing for the tournaments of the day....
 And a quadrilla of the Spanish Court in the Baca Placita practicing marching....
And fighting maneuvers....
For an audience of one......

 From my window, I watch the parade of exotically clad fair folk go by....

 And Enjoy watching the crowds growing for the fighting tournaments to come......

Richard Gonzales, our volunteer photographer at Golondrinas snaps this photo as I completed my duties for the day......

"Don't worry, Dearie,"  a lovely lady tells me as I leave--"tomorrow will be just as full of magic as today!".....
And you know what?  She was right!  Day two arrived with lots of medieval magic in the air....
We were met at the gate by a lovely young Targarian with a moving baby dragon just breaking out of it's egg....
And a vivacious Queen Isabella just so anxious for a drink of ale......
 Served by a gorgeous young wench.  After attending several years of these fairs, I have come to the conclusion that you cannot get a job as an ale-maid unless you are friendly, buxom, and beautiful.....

 Lord Dwight poses with woodland fairy Deja--she of the fabulous red eyes.....
Dwightie enjoys shopping in the market although he might have to trade that big golden earring of his for some goods....
 The bubble fairy is at work delighting the youngsters....
 This vendor is modeling his 65 pound suit of armor with it's gorgeous detailing that can be purchased for a fair amount at the fair....
While this lovely pale lady shops....
 And this exotic lady dances.....
Along with her troupe of beguiling belly dancers....

 But let's face it, it is the fighting tournaments that most excite us today....
 Where the lords join the common folk in appreciating the skills of the fighters....
 From individual fencers...
 to a Battle Royale.....

 Da Boys at Da Tournament....
 This is my favorite, Sir Stavros in crimson....
 So gallant in victory....
 Meanwhile we enjoy a Celtic violinist....
 And rub elbows with celebrity revelers....
 And on with the tournament....
 And the excitement....

 The Capulets and the Montegues are in attendance....
 The Fairy Village is a lovely place to stroll....
 And to purchase wares from some pretty interesting shopkeepers....
 Who are you calling a "Clown"?.....
 "Where can he be?--my long lost love?....Oh, per chance could that be him just walking away?".....
 "Have I stayed too long at the fair?".....
 Of course not with such interesting folks to meet....

 And Lord Ned Stark yet to fight in the jousting tournament.....
 Not to mention some very interesting faires about....
 And the Spanish queen who so enjoys....
What the world she lives in is all about.....
 There are Autumn Elves to meet.....
 And troubadours to greet....
 And a whole harem of lovelies to appreciate.....
For this is the stuff that dreams are made of.....
So maybe, we'll just stay here till next year because our heart is truly at RENAISSANCE FAIR.........

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