Monday, March 21, 2011

In those lazy, crazy days of summer 2010, you could enjoy the beauty of your garden........
Where you could sit and contemplate the beauty of nature.................

And if you're Gwen, you could celebrate another birthday!

With a really scrumptious dessert al fresco.............

And enjoy the color of your hometown that you miss so much................
And be amazed by this new form of tourist transport that made it's appearance around the Plaza......................
And enjoy the talents of local artisans--like Annie who spins her own yarn and makes gorgeous wool items.................

And you can flounce about with utter abandon in your flirty summer skirt................

and explore your summer kingdom...................
That can be cool and refreshing....................
and reverberate with the sound of summer fountains....................

And in the evenings be illuminated with romantic lanterns...............
And repose, like the angels, in the beauty of a summer garden....................
Or spend a warm afternoon reading in the Fern Room.........................
Or enjoy some very special visitors...........................
Like a darling grandson who rides a wild stallion.......................

And a precious daughter from far off New York......................
And receive a heartfelt gift that will warm your heart in memory forever......................
If you are a former NM governor, you might finally get your bust installed in the capitol rotunda...................
And if you are the Mighty Winston, you might find a perch worthy of your exalted status high above the house from where you can see at a glance everything happening at Cielo Azul................
Like what transpires on the garden path..................
Or the garden proper where faeries may well live............
Or count the millions of leaves on the summer verdant property.....................
Or just relax in summer repose......................
So now, in the first early days of Spring 2011, this gives us a brief glimpse of the wonders to come in the months to come..........Hail, Hail to Summer!

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