I'm all
a'twitter as the morning arrives on our front patio......

The dogs are concerned about all the activity up on the road in front of
Cielo Azul (Bishop's Lodge Road)................

But the humans are totally excited because Santa Fe's parade for it's native born son--now recognized as a National Hero--will pass right in front of our sidewalk...........

Danny raises our flag. (Like the famous
Iwo Jima photo, this too is a re-enactment, but who knows if if the future it might not be thought "iconic".).................

These Santa
Fesanos are thrilled and so proud of Leroy!...............

Here comes the parade...................

And the wagon carrying Leroy
Petry is right in front.................

I don't know who the other man riding the wagon is, but I notice that he too is wearing the Congressional Medal of Honor, so I know he is a hero from another generation. The shot I really wanted came right after this one, Leroy saluted with his bionic hand. I don't know if he was saluting our large flag or a friend of Theresa's who joined us on the sidewalk and who was in her National Guard uniform, but......................
THE NEW MEXICAN published a similar photo on the front page......................

That's Leroy's father riding in that cute car.......................

Like Leroy, two of his brothers were also my students. Lloyd was driving, and all the "L" named
borthers are in this car except for the oldest brother, Larry. Lloyd told me that Larry was not feeling very well......................

That Come-Hither Patriot,
There were numerous color guards--some quite young.......................

And some quite a bit older.....................

Another classic car carrying Santa Fe Veterans....................

Gotta love these bag-pipers..............

Virginia Vigil representing our County Commission--YOU GO GIRL!............

A contingent of Motorcycle
riding Vietnam Veterans......................

with lots of patches..............
And a cute little
chiuaua sporting his "
mad dogs"..................

Banner ladies..............

Military vehicles--I don't know what type of vehicle this is, but you can see
Sisi reflected in the window and our neighbor across the street with her giant flag......................

Another vehicle--I am guessing, appropriate for desert combat.....................

And lots of happy Santa
Fesanos! Leroy has no idea what a "shot in the arm" this whole celebration has been for his hometown.................

Even Don Diego
DeVargas was bursting his buttons with pride.............."Si, Senor?"...........

"Como no!"....................

Some of these guys are WW II Vets....................

Blue Star Mothers..................

Another classic...................

This is one of Leroy's favorite organizations and missions....................
No parade in Santa Fe is
complete without the DEMOCRATS!!--and my precious Frannie!

Some Northern New Mexican car clubs added these low-riders..............

Because they too are..................
Proud of Sgt. Leroy

After the parade, we followed the crowd down to the convention Center for the formal reception. It was
sooooo mobbed with well-wishers, that (being ladies of a certain age) we decided to do lunch. Here we are posing
in front of a lovely garden in front of City Hall, but
unfortunately, we totally obstructed the view of the little garden...............
So here it is! I know that many of you, gentle readers, might be disappointed that I did not get photos from the ceremony downtown, but fear not--a few days previous, Dwight alerted me to a reception for Leroy that was not very publicized, and following this are photos from that reception where I had a very opportune seat--unlike the Convention Center where we could not even get close to the ceremony..................

Dwight and the crew are finalizing all the preparations.................

For the reception displayed on the Capitol kiosks and to be held in the Capitol rotunda.......

"Testing, one, two........"

A phalanx of flags is organized to greet Leroy and the caravan from the Albuqurque Sunport................
Leroy is greeted by thunderous applause...................

And a Mariachi serenade..............

One of New Mexico's other winners of the Congressional Medal of Honor (from the Korean War) was also in attendance with his family. Later on, Dwight got a picture of himself with him in front of the place on the Capitol wall where all the NM receipients of the Medal of Honor are engraved. Dwight also got his photo taken with Leroy (I will post them when he gets copies from Steve) And, of course, Leroy will also have his name engraved in these hallowed halls..........

This is what an American Hero looks like.....................

Oh Susana! all lots of other politicians were on hand to share in the reflected glory of the occasion..................

But Leroy never lost his military composure..................

The Mayor of Albuquerque presented him with a lovely certificate........................

But the Mayor of Santa Fe reminded him that Leroy is OURS in the city of Santa Fe..............

Sometimes even a Congressional Medal of Honor winner has to crack a smile..................

This is my favorite photo of Leroy. In it, I see the young Santa Fe boy who is so overwhelmed by all the accolades from the President of the United States, himself; in Washington State where he is stationed and now in his hometown...............

Thank you, Leroy Petry, for your service and for your gallantry that has given all of us something to cheer about..............................

You are our hero!
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