Tuesday, August 09, 2011

SPANISH MARKET 2011--Day 2 We're up early on Sunday morning--ready to return to the Market............

What's this? It looks like what E.T. saw when he looked up into the Mothership...

"Beam me up, Scotty!"..........................

Before we can go downtown, Dwight has some tidying up to do--like all good pet owners........

"I think you missed one, Dad!"........................

Down on the plaza, the artisans are re-opening their booths and displaying their wares.........

I love this shot down the long portal of the old Post Office--we are waiting here to capture the artists coming out of the Spanish Market Mass at the Cathedral in procession.............

Dwight in a languid pose--he IS a world class "leaner".......................

There are quite a few folks awaiting the procession.......

The procession is led by a plethora of clergy--among them TWO bishops...................

There was also one particularly handsome young priest!! To quote one lifelong devoted parishioner: "WOWIE!".................

The artisans attending the mass bring one favorite artwork for a special blessing..................

And there is an interesting variety of offerings...................

By artists of different ages.....................

The colcha girls unite!.......................

Finally, the folks I have been waiting for--the Varoz clan...................

The two talented sisters carry their treasures with dignity while the athletic Mr. Ewing hightails it out of church to be first in line for a tamale Pie.......................

I saw this booth later, and this tiny little artist sold his retablo.....................

Among the group are some of the most renowned artisans in the city................

And some of the cutest!..................

Tonie and Gilbert are headed out for breakfast on the plaza..................

As are the Chavezes--Sisi has a particularly fetching Spanish Market outfit................

It is their custom to have a family breakfast at the Spanish Market booths................

Back from Mass, this embroidery expert explains the fine points of her craft to booth visitors.................

Clarence Medina returned from Dixon this morning with this huge and gorgeous painting............

This is the adorable Mrs. "Clarence"....................

Miss Martha in her element--the world of straw applique and tin design.................

Miss Julia relaxes for the final day of the market.....................

And Judy has more time to discuss her paintings with the patrons............

The tall and small of volunteering................

Did I mention that there was an especially handsome priest on the plaza today?.................

Arlene, like all the vendors, enjoys this last day even as she envisions plans for the renderings for next season at the Spanish Market..................

We got a surprising phone call late in the afternoon to let us know that we won the silent auction for this substantial carving of a lobo. Dwight was so happy that he carried the very heavy creature all the way home. We will find a very special place for our own treasure to remind us of Spanish Market 2011...................................

So ends another year at Spanish Market--with each year being even more interesting than the last! Here I am trying to "lean" like Dwight--AND A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!!

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